
Providing diversity training for various groups on campus is important, but it doesn’t go far enough. Race relations in America and on some of your campuses is a systemic problem that requires constant attention throughout the year.
A commitment to mandatory DE&I workshops for all members of Greek chapters each year or throughout the year will demonstrate your communities’ clear commitment to creating an environment in which everyone truly feels welcome, informed and respected.

- Defining balanced, sustainable intersectional leadership
- Understanding the need to assess the viability current cultural competency, implicit bias, and intentionally inclusive practices that promote community
- How to assimilate new members constructively, meeting the goals of the organization and aligning with the university, Office of Campus Activities, Greek Life and respective organizations’ values
- Addressing bias, stereotypes, privilege, intersectionality, & the implications in values-based recruitment

Implicit Bias in Greek Life

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
in Greek Life
Has your FSL established a permanent Committee on DE&I on your campus? If so, OUTstanding! If not, perhaps it's time to set a new precedent for Greek Life, its impact & relation to your University at-large.
"Beauty" creates space for all councils to come together for a robust, open, and honest conversation about race & race relations in America and its implications on your campus. FSL is already diverse. Let's discuss connecting and committing to commune monthly to further relationship development.

- Learn about the culture of each council and its member organizations
- How to build community and enhance the learning experience for student members
- Why sponsoring & attending ongoing educational workshops and seminars to include DE&I are critical
This year, your FSL audience will have an opportunity to engage in an experience-informed conversation on the intersections of social issues, fraternal/sororal affiliation, race, gender, orientation, and so much more.
This energetic, exciting, and provocative presentation, perfect for setting the tone for a day full of learning, is designed to explore intersectional student leadership through the lens of Greek-letter affiliated leaders.

- Recognize students’ uniqueness while working together as a community.
- Better understand their personality and how, with a broadened perspective, how to use it to be more effective in your role.
- How to manage adversity in the midst of peers.
- Gain valuable confidence-building qualities that will help them promote healthy behaviors.

'Greek ish
Perfect for Greek Week, ‘greek-ish™' is a thought-provoking and transformational training experience that challenges the way FSL communities think, gets them excited about exploring different perspectives, and sets the tone for your chapters’ interactive & virtual programming. Tish promotes DE&I by calling on Greek communities to take the lead and set the example of campus by recognizing, acknowledging, celebrating, and embracing their differences rather than be separated by them.
Tish reinforces her message of creating a healthy, safe, nurturing, and FUN Greek life experience for all students by infusing relevant historical references and current cultural trends, relevant to every member of the audience. Let’s create stronger “community” among your diverse FSL chapters.

- Provide the fraternities and sororities an educational program that creates, promotes, and fosters equitable learning communities
- Teach FSL about opportunities to better represent the diversity of students on their campus
Maintaining the Brotherhood &
Sisterhood in the Age of Covid-19
Feeling disconnected? Distant? Low morale? Does your NPHC need to be more involved? Experiencing a lack of understanding, communication and identity?
Imagine what it would be like to get control of these and other challenges and to motivate NPHC members to reconnect, get a hold of new found energy, and attract higher quality members who engage in succession planning, collaboration and sustainability.

- Be provided with the virtual tools necessary to support one another and the broader Greek community
- Gain creative tips on implementing engaging virtual programming for members
- Equip members to foster & perpetuate a culture of progress & results

Are We WOKE Yet?
I know, nobody says "woke" anymore. It's so 2018. Well, before "woke", we said, "conscious." Either way, the message is the same. "Woke" engages in a comparative analysis of two groundbreaking films about the cut and thrust of the NPHC membership intake process.
Whether you have seen these films or not; affiliated or not, you will be enlightened. Violence? Brutality? Nimbleness of mind? Sexual initiation rites? Cultural integrity? Physical endurance? Death...just to join a frat? Oh, it's still relevant. Let's talk about it.

- Empowers NPHC members to think critically about their role and their chapter’s role in promoting positive perceptions of their organization
- Examine deeper how NPHC membership offers tremendous opportunities for personal growth and development
- Importance of sponsoring socially-conscious and relevant programming, developing & strengthening healthy relationships, and maintaining personal accountability
The Role of Archival Imagery in
the Black Fraternal Movement
Feeling disconnected? Distant? Low morale? Does your NPHC need to be more involved? Experiencing a lack of understanding, communication and identity?
Imagine what it would be like to get control of these and other challenges and to motivate NPHC members to reconnect, get a hold of new found energy, and attract higher quality members who engage in succession planning, collaboration and sustainability.

- Constructive values that were employed during the former membership intake process and which ones BGLOs can glean from today
- How upholding the values and mission of these organization sets chapters up for success
- How sponsoring cultural relevant programming and maintaining personal accountability can be benefits of these organizations

You Don't Have to Hit Me to
Call Me Brother
“Invisible Bruises” is a real, multi-prong, interactive approach to hazing education like it’s never been done before! Here, Tish facilitates fruitful and candid conversation on how organizations across campus, not just fraternity and sorority programs, can use their creativity in finding productive alternatives to this risky behavior. Helping students understand themselves first, their proclivity to either lead or follow others, and creating a fulfilling Greek-life experience is the main objective Tish aims to address.
Your chapter wants to leave a positive legacy on campus as well as increasing awareness about the risks of hazing. Your chapter wants to lead the charge in anti-hazing initiatives on your campus, so this presentation is for your campus! This keynote inspires FSL communities engage in deeper conversations and actionable steps about cultivating and restructuring chapters that realize their full potential as altruistic and transformative organizations.